You all should give this gift to your mothers or loved ones as well. Introduce them to your Red Hat Society chapter and get them involved! I just cannot think of a more rewarding gift. Not only will it give you the chance to bond with them, but you will be introducing them to so many lively and vibrant women who will surely brighten their days.

Just think of the wonderful memories they will make on the fantastic outings, and all the wonderful new friends they will now have. Certainly, there could not be a sweeter thing to do for your mother or loved one than to bring them into the vivacious world of the Red Hat Society. I am going to call my mother right now and invite her to the Tea Party my chapter has planned for next week,

Until Next Time,
Queen Diva Dishberry
Hello Queen Dishberry. This is in response to your comment to me, the SpaDiva at Spa At Home. The Red Hat event, Hat, the Musical is something you must see. It's too funny not to. Not sure about Michigan though. I was born in Michigan and not much happens there!!!!!!! It was nice to hear from you and I hope you do get to see the play. It's great!
Sharon, Queen Me, the Vintage Vixens of Roseville, CA
I agree that not too much happens hear but you know that the Red Hatters can always find a good time! I'm considering taking a road trip to see the musical but my summer is just so busy. Keep posting on newer events!
Hi there, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment:) You are so right about the pink hatters...my daughter just became one.
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