I had lunch yesterday afternoon with my granddaughter who has started college classes again this fall. She told me about events that her college, Oakland University, provides for students and also for the community. I never knew that Universities had so many notable and intriguing guests. Whoever you decided to hear speak, make sure you wear your best red hat, like the delightful Alice, and lovely purple outfit.
Local colleges and universities in your town are not the only places to discover these free and captivating speakers. Book stores frequently host similar events with popular and influential authors. This could spark a book club within your red hat society chapter too. Choose some of our fantastic red hat books, or venture out and pick one of your favorite books from childhood.
The best part is that most of these speaking events are free to the public. Which, to my red hat sisters and I, only means one thing: more money to spend on a new red hat!
Until next time,
Queen Diva Dishberry

Come hear Haywood Smith talk about her books The Red Hat Club and her latest Wedding Belles at Blue Willow Bookshop on Tuesday October 14 at 3 p.m. She hopes to meet many Red Hat Ladies (and hats of all colors!) while she is visiting Houston.
Girlboss of Blue Willow
Is Haywood Smith signing autographs at the Blue Willow Bookshop?
If so, ladies, you must purchase the book on or before October 3rd to have it for the signing! It is only $24.00.
Valerie, can you please tell us what the address is for the bookstore.
Queen Diva Dishberry
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